Beneficiaries Report
Mrs. Rashitha, resident of Mullivaikal, who has lost her both eyes sight was given Rs 500000 as a loan on the basis of no interest for her livelihood by Thayakam organization of Australia.This amount of money which was given as a loan for setting up a goat shed.
A differently abled woman headed family living Kilinochchi lost their self-employment which was carried out for their livelihood due to the lack of Gas during the time as well as this family that was in a difficult situation was assisted by Thayakam organization of Austraila with Rs 415000 amount of money to construct a kitchen for their self-business purpose.
Mr. Vithusan, resident of Kilinochchi, was running a business in the place of Seviyar Kadai Junction was aided by Thayakam Organization of Australia with Rs 150000 for the advanced money to get a new rental shop in Kilinochchi for continuation of his business since his business was going down in the previous place.
A temporary hut on the purpose of commencing classes from grade 6 to grade 8 was constructed with the help of village people and the initial purchasing cost for this work was 200000. It was allocated by Thayakam Organization of Australia.
A volunteer organization ( Arakkatalai Amaippu) functioning in Jaffna provided food items such as 5kg Rice and 5kg wheat flour to 45 families of our Thayaka School children of being resident of Ootrupulam . A budget of Rs 40000 was had been allocated for this support.
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Mrs. Palaniyamma, an old woman, who is living in Ootrupulam was given a packet of dry food items worth of Rs 7000 for her livelihood help as well as was provided a walking stick worth of Rs 3500. Two families' children who lost their mother are living with her and those children are students of our Thayaka Organization of Australia.
Two differently abled children of our school teacher, Mrs. Sivarasa Jeyalalitha were provided spectacles since they have eye sight problem and it was allocated Rs 15000 for both children's essential needs
A family of differently abled person living under poverty line in Kilinochchi is supported every month with a Rs 3000 value of food items.
Considering the health condition of people of Ootrupulam village, a first free medical camp service with the help of Jaffana University was held in order to provide a free medical service those who were in need. Two hundred and sixty-four beneficiaries were benefitted by this free medical service. A budget of Rs 60300 was allocated for it.
According to the request of this village people, an “Araneri building” was newly constructed with the help of Iyappan Devotees as well as their contribution for constructing building was Rs 500000. And Thayakam Amaippu allocated Rs 85000 for this purpose. Total amount of money was Rs 585000. It was built with the help of this village people.
With the allocation of Rs 361269.00, the second building was constructed and other conveniences that were necessary for this school such as electricity, water pump and flower plants were made to fulfil the need of school.
Considering the needs of growing technology, Thayakam Amaippu provided a Laptop, Mobile phone and Wi-Fi router for the office use of our school. A budget of Rs 286015 was allocated for these required needs.
Mr. Rakulan who is doing self-employment business had been encouraged for running his business by providing Rs 1,000 000 and it was given him as a loan.
A tree planting programme was inaugurated by planting useful trees at our Thayakam School premises and it then decided to give each student two plants for growing as well as the students have been taking care of the plants by themselves.
There are two sports clubs in this village. One of the sports club's name was Adivinyakar Sports Club, According to the agreement with this sport club, twenty thousand rupees was given them and they agreed to mend the fence and do the shramadanam at our thayakam school. For this purpose, Rs 20000 was allocated.
According to the request of Mr. Satheeskumar Jeyarani, a homeless woman, who is living in Iranaipalai in Jaffna, he had been granted Rs 250000 for constructing a home with two rooms.
Nutritious food for the students those who are studying at our Thayaka School has been provided since the school started functioning here as well as at least two times in month, it has been offered with the allocation of Rs 35000 for vegetable food and Rs 450000 for non-Vege food and this good thing has been carried out by some individual person or family on their special day of their beloved.
For the purpose of encouraging students' educational development, The students those who got first, second and third place were awarded by providing valuable thing that is needful for their education. A budget of Rs 120000 was allocated by Thayakam Amaippu.
Thayakam Amaippu organized an educational trip to Trincommalee for the students studying at Thayakam School in order to make the students learn new things of the other places by visiting there. They seemed to be excited on the trip. Every family those who agreed to join on this trip paid Rs 700 for their contribution. The trip was successful with the cooperation of parents and students. It was allocated Rs 120000.00 for the educational trip by Thayakam Amaippu.
A Hindu Youth Club functioning at Vattukottai in Jaffna distributed educational materials to our students who were studying from Grade 01 to Grade 11. Our students got advantageous due to this effort done by the Youth Club.
On this date, in the hope of encouraging students' reading skills, a set of books that cost Rs 50000.00 were provided to our school for making our student's reading skills better by Mr. Nagarasa who is living in France. Two books were donated by every teacher who are teaching at our school.
According to being made a request to our Thayakam Amaippu, Mr.Pathmanathan, fisherman was given Rs50000 a loan without interest for extension of his business. It is remarkable that his two children are studying at our Thayakam School.
Considering the condition of our Thayakam Students' hygiene and safety, they were granted a pair of slippers and an umbrella. It was allocated Rs 12000.00 for it by thayakam Amaippu.
Mrs. Selvaruban Kodiswary, resident of Otrupulam made a request on our Thayakam Ammaipu for making a tube well for their daily needs and home gardening since there were no way to get water for their daily use. For this project, our Thayakam Amaippu allocated Rs 196000. 00 and two children are studying at our school form the same school.
An electricity connection was received for a local resident, Mr. Inthumathy with the help of Thayakam amaippu as there had been no electricity connection for them even the resettlement. It was allocated Rs 50000 for this valuable service.
Two advanced level school children were aided by providing worth of Rs 10000 schooling materials for their study purpose.
All the students of our Thayakam School were provided a school bag and exercise books as they stepped up to a new class and the purpose of this help was to assist the students to carry on their study as well The account holder of Abishaliny who passed the Grade 5 Scholarship exam was deposited Rs 15000.00 and The bank account of the students Thasmira, Arudan got above 100 marks in the Grede 5 Scholarship exam deposited Rs 5000.00 per account.
Four new bicycles were granted to the four students those who come from a long distance and the selection for this was done according to the family's condition and by direct visit their home. The situation seemed that a family lost their bread winner (father) and other family with two children, who is suffering for their daily needs. Those children have been studying at our school for a long time. It was allocated Rs. 200 000 for it.
Our Thayakam Amaippu renovated the Adivinayakar Sports Club that belongs to Ootrupulam village at the cost of Rs 20000. As a result of our contribution to the sports club, they voluntarily helped us to get the roof of the hut repaired or changed the roof cover. (kiduku)
The roof of the school's building has been refurbished with new kiduku by the help of the local resident of the pupils' parents in ootrupulam village and some sports clubs. The renovation cost of the roof of the building was Rs 70000. And it was allocated by thayakam amaippu.
Considering the condition of our school's female students, with a purpose of helping those students, twenty-five students were provided female's hygienic towel (Eeva) which can be used for 06 months by Mr. Nagenthira Kaja with the cost of Rs 47300.
The old bicycles which have been used by our school's children were mended and handed over to the students those who have been studying at our school as well as the selection for beneficiary was taken place according to participants which means two children must be in a same family. It was allocated Rs. 120000 for this. Kuyilan, a student of our school, whose bicycle was repaired with the cost of Rs. 22100.
The Kathiravan sports club which belongs to Ootrupulam village was provided shoes with the cost of Rs. 48000 with the purpose of encouraging their participation in sports. For this help, they helped to repair the fences, roof of the hut and they cleaned the premise of our school.